The Cacao Ceremony connects to the energetic space of your heart, and to the community around you. It can be a powerful tool for inner work, and help with clarity and healing.

We have temporarily suspended ceremonies, but here offer suggestions on how to hold your own.

Raw ceremonial cacao comes from the seed of the fruit of native (wild) Theobroma  strains. Cacao paste comes from grinding fermented, sun dried and cold-pressed cacao beans. 


Honour the power of raw cacao. Raw cacao is filled with living enzymes and is a potent energetic medicine.

In addition to antioxidants, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, monounsaturated fat, cholesterol-free saturated fat, plant-based iron, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, active ingredients include phenylethylamine, tryptophan, anandamide, an endocannabinoid and theobromine.

Breath work, movement, meditation, and sound amplify and manifest intentions. Journaling and vocal sharing can help with integration.

The Cacao Ceremony connects to the energetic space of your heart, and to the community around you. It can be a powerful tool for inner work, and help with clarity and healing.  

  • Set up a sacred circle with a simple altar. Clear with sage or palo santo.

  • Each person says name aloud, with an intention or what is being called in. Select a guidance card (optional).

  • Pour cacao and pass around the circle.

  • Honour and bless the Cacao (see below) and set the intention for the circle.

  • Close the circle by inviting integration of spaces visited during the journey.


“When you have clarity of intention, the universe conspires with you to make it happen.”



“Mother Cacao, I hold this space with love and presence. 

Guide me to releasing blocked or negative energy so that my heart can heal. Allow this medicine to teach me how to remember, to come together with others to build community, and reconnect with the earth. I allow you if needed to bring my attention to old griefs, guiding me to direct love to where it is most needed, and clearing space for new life. 

I now allow you to nourish my body with your alchemy, and to help me discover complete health and self love. I allow you to fill me with energy, courage, and love to share with all creatures. I allow you to connect with my inner wisdom to stand strong in my truth with new clarity and focus.” 


“Spirit of Cacao, guide us on our journey, letting go of what no longer serves us and clearing the path for our future. We seek and allow our Guides, holy and ancient Ones, enlightened Mothers, Saints and Sages of all spiritual practices, Wise Masters, wisdom and Truth Tellers throughout all of history, to guide us with clarity toward our connected purpose. 

We now may release old patterns, abandon negative energy, and open to a greater sense of love and gratitude. We raise our vibration together, as we open our hearts to our higher  connection.”

Each Wednesday and Saturdy drop into Cacao Circles at 8:00am PT/11:00am ET.

Zoom Meeting ID: 856 7346 8172

Password: amorcacao

For details or to sign up visit the Cacao Laboratory website.

Cacao Circles

Post Ceremony Cacao Notes

Besides raw cacao and ingredients at, in my experience four other practices seem to compound and produce optimal health benefit.

1. Meditate … even though you never have and don’t think you can.

Sit still. Relax your body. Bring stillness.

The goal is to be in peace. It doesn’t matter where you mind goes - most minds scatter for 15-20 minutes before settling down.

Don’t give up. Most people quit before even sitting 15 minutes. Use the Calm app if you have to. Try for 30 mins twice a day. 20 minutes is good too. Once a day is good too. It’s all good. Es mejor que nada :)

2. Breathe!
Breathe in 5. Hold 5. Breathe out 10. Hold 2. The exhale is double the inhale. Breathing keeps you connected to Source.

Do it daily, anytime, all the time.

3. Food

  • Avoid processed food and anything in a box. As natural and plant-based as possible.

  • Don’t mix oils. Cook with Ghee or coconut oil.

  • Study and use good spices and herbs.

  • Understand the different levels of consciousness for what you are eating. As you become more conscious, you will eat less flesh meat and live plant-based.

4. Exercise
Keep moving. Yoga (all types) and Qi Gong are great options for continuous movement. Just move :)